With this course, you’ll learn techniques to achieve:
Easing Inductions
Decreased back pain
Decreased pelvic pain
Less intensity with contractions
Decreased leg pain
A more centered cervix
Improved sacral mobility
Improved labor patterns
A more activated parasympathetic nervous system (for increased calm)
More space for baby
Improved rotation of the fetal head
Fewer Interventions
◦ Less pitocin use
◦ Fewer episiotomies
◦ Fewer vacuum deliveries
◦ Fewer cesarean births
Better Birth Outcomes
◦ Less tearing
◦ Less bleeding
◦ Less time for birth of baby

Balancing Birth: Fascia
The Balancing Birth: Signature Course is also available to study in 3 parts - Muscles, Ligaments, and Fascia, respectively - for a more focused study process, and reduced investment of money and time per course. (See each individual course for details.)
Balancing Birth: Fascia is an in-depth training in anatomy and physiology of the fascia, in childbirth. You’ll learn hands-on techniques to balance fascia in order to make more space for the baby through the birth-giver’s body, which will help decrease interventions, aid in birth progress, and ease the birth-giver’s experience. These advanced balance techniques are taught using Equilibrio’s unique 5 Soft Tissue Pelvic Levels™ to help you understand which soft tissues to balance when in birth, based on baby’s location in the pelvis.
Our trainings are aimed at birth professionals who want to offer a higher quality of support to their clients, to increase their comfort and help prepare for a smoother childbirth experience.
This profound understanding of birth physiology will transform how you assess and treat each client.
This whole course is available as an app on your phone for ease of use in birth.